Hey there! I'm Sergio, a Software Engineer with a passion for crafting cool innovative projects with real-world applications. I enjoy taking on new challenges, seeing them not as obstacles but as opportunities for personal growth.

My journey began at the University of California Riverside, where I earned a bachelor's degree in psychology. During my time at UCR I worked on a number of labs that fostered my interest in research, where I eventually sought out a career. I worked on a large research team for a number of years where I gained invaluable experience and unique skillset particularly regarding working collaborating and effectively within a team.

My venture into the tech world first began after having seen some of the creative projects a friend had been working on and learning more about what a career in programming could actually look like. I was captivated by the possibilities from the start, I quickly began coming up with all sorts of ideas that I could work on if I just knew how. So from here I sought to find out how, with a little push from my friend, and an eagerness to learn, I delved into online courses, gaining proficiency in programming fundamentals and embarking on small-scale projects. This newfound passion steered me towards a career shift.

It was at this point that I enrolled into the Flatiron School for Software Engineering, a pivotal decision but also the next logical step. Here, I honed my skills, creating substantial projects that could be taken into the real world. Having graduated and now equipped with a robust skill set, I'm eager to apply my knowledge in practical scenarios. I look forward to the challenges that lie ahead in the world of software development.